More Tech Jobs Created in Toronto Than 3 U.S. Cities Combined

The tech scene in Toronto, Ontario, is so on fire, that the area created more positions than the San Francisco Bay area, Washington D.C., and Seattle combined, and is getting ahead of New York, according to a report on “talent markets.” CBRE Group Inc.’s annual survey, that was recently released, showed Toronto as the fastest-rising … Read more

High Demand for Tech Workers Cause of Increased Salaries in British Columbia

BecomeACanadian: Canada night view

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A scarcity of high-tech workers in British Columbia is causing wages to skyrocket in booming technology businesses. This province in Canada has always been known for companies with employees related to oil, gas, forestry, and mining, but today, the high-tech field has surpassed all of those combined.

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