Immigration is Canada’s Main Source of Growth
BecomeACanadian: In the year 2034, Canada’s growth will be entirely due to immigration. The number of retirees exiting the workforce will exceed the number of births in the country.
BecomeACanadian: In the year 2034, Canada’s growth will be entirely due to immigration. The number of retirees exiting the workforce will exceed the number of births in the country.
Canada has one of the highest populations of multicultural residents in the world. Close to 22 percent of the 36 million people who reside in the nation are foreign-born.
Over half of the 25,000 refugees who have arrived are sponsored by the government, and all cost associated with them are covered by the government. The other half is supported by private groups or a mix of private and government sponsored
The Canadian population is becoming more diverse as immigrants from all corners of the world move to Canada. In fact, 21% of the people who live in Canada are foreign-born. The multicultural character created by Canadian immigration has helped to make Canada a very welcoming and comfortable country for immigrants to call home. Become A … Read more